Solving some web hosting problems aren’t that tough! You may fix the problems within a few clicks. Most of the cases, lack of communication between the customer and the website hosting company can cause a bigger problem while solving the problem. So it would be really great if you could solve a few problems on your own.
Get your few Web Hosting problems solved by reading the blog post:
Database connection error:
Database error is one of the common problems that anyone can face. At first, you have to check the wp-config setting. You need to confirm that the information in your wp-config.php file is correct. You should recheck at the username, password, and hostname fields. If anything is incorrect there, update, save, and then check your site.
There are typically few reasons that lead to database connection error if there’s a noted database connection error, but everything looks fine in the wp-config. One thing that can happen is, the provider may have taken it upon themselves to temporarily disable your database due to excessive use or some other contractual infringement. So you have to knock your provider to make sure of the incident.
Check whether your add-ons domains working or not:
You have to recheck with your hosting provider. Most probably you haven’t added the add-ons domain properly on the server level. If it still does not work, you need to ask the hosting provider to check into it.
Website crash due to heavy traffic:
Every website owner has the major intention to drive traffic to his website. But they may not know the demerits of the heavy traffic on the website. The website may crash due to excessive traffic. In that case, you have to upgrade your hosting plan immediately. You should be prepared before the big hit on your website (especially before summer/winter/eid sale if you have any e-commerce site). Before running a big budget campaign, you need to fix your website’s problem fast as people will search for the website at the very first.
So you need to upgrade your budget while thinking about web hosting space. You will find your suitable hosting plan from ADNSERVERS.
What does happen to the Downtime?
What will happen when you face downtime? Hardware and software failures can also lead to a full shutdown. Will your customers understand the problem? Yes, now you are little tensed about the issue.
Your hosting provider will help you to survive during the downtime if they promise. ADNSERVERS promises you to give 99.9% uptime guarantee. That means you may mark yourself safe from the downtime problem if you buy hosting from ADNSERVERS.
On the other hand, the cyber-attack may cause downtime sometime. So you need to integrate SSL certificate on your website.
When your official Email isn’t working & you are unable to install script for website hosting:
Everyone faces the problem once in a while. So the solution must be easy as well as the problem. All you need to do is to check the common reasons behind the problem such as incorrect account configuration, server level issue and the problem with disk quotas.
These problems can be fixed by checking the account configuration of your email client. You need to recheck the ‘desktop client configuration’ setup. Overall the problems can be solved within a few minutes.
You can install a few common scripts within a few minutes. You have to use these programs to set up the script. You can solve the problems by checking the welcome email anytime (because the welcome email contains the information you need to get started).
You have finished reading the blog. The blog has been written about the few web hosting problems. Your problems will be solved easily if you select the best web hosting for your website. Beware about the hosting space as its really important for the e-commerce site. Additionally, suitable website design is also important to grab your potential customers to your website.
To know more about hosting and online business
To solve hosting related problem