You need a web hosting service to host your own or company website. The web hosting service/provider allows you the space to grab a spot for your site. You also need a domain name for your website as the domain represents your identity/ company’s identity. You also need to know more about the features & offerings from the hosting providers as your site needs to be up-to-date comparing to your competitors.

Now you will get to know about the top features of hosting service:

Email Accounts    When you want to buy hosting from any provider, make sure you have a complete idea about their features. As the hosting provider includes an Email account in their plan, that means you will have an additional feature to open sub-domain (sometimes unlimited, depends on your hosting provider). If your hosting provider allows you to open unlimited subdomain, then you are all set to open unlimited subdomain but remember, you have a specific space to use (such as 1GB, you will not get enough space to open uncountable Email accounts with that space). The hosting provider also remains some hidden terms & conditions in their packages. So be careful of your purpose before registering. FTP Access If you run a design house or an e-commerce platform, you will have to use the FTP support. FTP access allows you to share large files easily.  Other than that, your website to be accessed through the internet with the help of FTP access. FTP access will make your life easier. Ask your hosting platform first wheatear they provide the FTP access or not.

Does your hosting provide WordPress Support?

You may love to see your website will be built by the WordPress theme. Then re-check your web hosting service provider if it provides WordPress support or not! WordPress is the best tool for blogging and website content management systems. If you are a developer, then you would know that the WordPress site is really easy to use.

Does PHP version matter?

Sometimes developers need a special version of PHP for website development. Then make sure first that the hosting provider allows the desired PHP version that you need to use. [adrotate group="1"]

How does web Hosting Service Help Online Business?

If you run an online marketplace, then you must be super serious about your web hosting service provider as your consumers are very much relying on the online site. You need to keep active your site 24/7 also. On the other hand, the e-commerce business is very much competitive as the market has too many players to run the show. So, you have to be the best player to survive in the market with your e-commerce platform.

Why do you need to select ADN Servers?

OK! Now you have to pick the best web hosting for your website. Of course, I will defend ADN Servers as the best web hosting service provider. We offer you some special features like DDoS protection, Cloud flare security, 24/7 intensive support, and trusted data center facilities. Without any doubt, you can pick us as we promise to serve you with our best effort.